For your wedding day, you should try your best to hire a wedding videographer. A videographer will create you a keepsake of your special day. You get only married once, to keep a memory of that special day you best to hire a professional to capture the event. You want a videographer that gets the angles of the shoots right, the voice heard distinctly, the videos captured in focus, the light just right, with a beautiful background, the video centered properly and the lens capturing close range and far distance shots just right. The wedding videographer should be able to put your wedding story together and capture all your bridal party and wedding guests of your very special day.
A good wedding videographer spends many hours creating a good wedding video, they spend 2 to 3 hours learning about the wedding couple and their family and learning about how the video should be shot, another hour or two learning about the video shoot locations, spend 8 to 12 hours filming the wedding, and then another 30 to 70 hours editing the event. For every minute of video shooting there is about an hour's worth of work. They also have to account for traveling to and from the wedding.
Before deciding what wedding videographer to choose, you want to review their style of shooting, understand what packages they offer, and it is important that you can communicate and each of you to share thoughts with each other and you can afford the wedding video. Attached are 10 cost savings tips for your wedding videography.
Tip 1 - View Copies of the Wedding Videographer's Work
Video taping a wedding is an art, many wedding videographer's aren't exceptional in their videotaping. Try to get at least 3 videos or DVD's of some of the videographer's prior work and it should be prior weddings. Watch the videos in it's entirety evaluating the videos. Look for through the whole video coming out good, is the focus always good in the videos, is the panning in and out good, the transitioning of one shoot to another good, are the voices distinct, is the lighting good, and is the background good. A good videographer do his entire video well. You want the entire package done well, not just bits and pieces. For some videographers, they will video parts of the video well, but the very good videographers will do the entire video well.
Tip 2 - Layout Exactly What You Want in your Wedding Video
It's your wedding, layout exactly how you want your video to go. When you meet with the wedding videographer you want your video to go a certain way and you don't want extra services that you really don't want, can they do it your way take it or leave it, if your way is one of their packages great, if not there are many other videographers around, the odds are you will find another, just be sure to find one that is very professional and create the video and all the services that go with it you want.
Tip 3 - Find A Top Videographer From a Local University
Go to a local university, college, or community college, find a professor that teaches photography. Ask the professor for three of their best students to interview to create a wedding video. The odds you can get a great wedding video made and usually the video should cost a lot less than a professional, usually students are on top of the latest technology and the odds are you will get a great wedding video and you will have given a wedding videography their very first start. Just remember to interview the videographer and be sure you are comfortable with any students before hiring them. maybe hire two so they can work the wedding together. Make sure the student is in or near their final semester.
Tip 4 - Choose The Package You Can Afford
Many videographers offer a number of different packages, if you interview a dozen different photographers, they may all handle their videography in many different ways. If you don't have much money, go with a package that you can afford, maybe the package is two hours and limited editing. Listen to all the options, go with the option that you most have a budget for. If you really want more, the video takes awhile to create, pay for some upfront, and pay the rest in 3 or 4 months when the wedding video is ready. Remember there are many videographers to shoot your wedding. Find one that has a package that you can afford, a style that you like, and will work with your budget.
Tip 5 - Oversee the Video Lighting
Sometimes the bride and groom has to be the go between between the officant and the wedding ceremony sight and also the wedding reception facility. Ask the videographer what's their lighting needs for a good wedding shoot. The videographer may have their own lighting for a video shoot. Sometimes the lighting is needed from the venue. Some officiants are very strict on lighting and the church may have dim lighting. Some reception venues have certain type of lighting. Work with the venues and the officiant on their lighting needs for the wedding. See if you can come up with an arrangement that all parties would like. You want a beautiful video and a beautiful wedding both. Sometimes you even need even help from disc jockeys and wedding musicians. They may control lighting for the wedding dance. Come to an agreement between all parties on lighting. What happens at some weddings, the lighting is not addressed and either there is upset at the venue or you get a wedding video in which the lighting does not come out very good.
Tip 6 - Check With Videographers from Very Large Churches
A number of your large churches have an in-house video group, some even broadcast church services for television. Many of these videographers have videographed numerous weddings. They are often found to be good and videoing weddings, since they don't advertise their services, they can be contracted to shoot a wedding video for a lot lower price. It doesn't hurt to check your area if you can find a videographer that has experience shooting church weddings. You may very well find a videographer that can shoot your wedding and more can handle your budget a lot cheaper than a professional wedding videographer would charge.
Tip 7 - Use a Professional Wedding Videographer for the Formal Part of the Wedding
Use a professional wedding videographer for your wedding ceremony, and then at the reception leave a number of camcorders laying around and get your wedding guests and bridal party take videos of the wedding reception. Try to encourage individuals that are good at recording to video the reception from camcorders left on a few strategic reception tables left on their assigned seats. Maybe assign an individual to give advice on how to record. Make sure the camcorder is held steady and the lighting at the time of the recording is appropriate. Later on when you get the wedding video, you can arrange to have someone to go through the video and add video from the reception to the video from the ceremony. You may even have videos from a photo shoot of the bridal party from a remote location.
Tip 8 - Edit Your Own Wedding Video
Videography has come along way in the last few years. It use to be difficult to edit videos and today it is much easier. You might have a professional shoot the video for your wedding. You then arrange to get the video or you might have a friend or friends shoot the video at the wedding. You then find a good video editing package and you create the video yourself. There are a number of websites that are great on handling editing for videos. Some of the reputable companies that can create your wedding videos are http://www.avs4you.com/ , http://www.videomake.com/ , http://www.wondershare.com/ , and http://www.steves-digicams.com/ .
Don't be shy, learn something new that will be a life long skill, edit your wedding video and in the coming years you will be a master of creating videos for reunions and your future kids.
Tip 9 - Review the Amount of Cameras and Equipment to Shoot your Wedding
Whomever is taking videos of your wedding, take note of where and the amount of videos that are being used and the type of equipment being used. Be sure the cameras are set up for repositioning points of the wedding and the video equipment being used is state of the art. Always ask what equipment will be used and where will the video cameras be located at each venue and take note of the equipment and look up the equipment and ask about it at a professional camera store or check it out off the internet. You want to be sure high quality equipment is being used for your wedding. Also be sure there is back up equipment and a backup plan in the event of inclement weather.
Tip 10 - Don't Rush the Final Wedding Video Product
Many wedding couples think their wedding video will be waiting for them as soon as they return from the honeymoon. If you want a great wedding video, you must be patient, a great wedding video often isn't ready until 4 to 6 months after the wedding. After the wedding, a videographer's job has just begun. For a minute of taping it generally takes an hours worth of editing. If you want a magical wedding video, don't rush the videographer. The videographer goes through many steps to create your wedding story, they may crop, and pan one scene to the next and add music and they have to get timing right. They apply many steps. Don't apply too much pressure for the finished product, give the videographer plenty of time to create the final product. And at the end you will have a keepsake. And at the end you should your wedding video at every anniversary, on your anniversary watch your wedding again, then exchange an anniversary present, go out to dinner and exchange an anniversary toast.
In the end, make sure all that is agreed to of services you want from your videographer is laid out in a contract. Make sure all that is agreed to is written down on a contract, don't leave anything just verbal. Check with your videographer if he needs any help, especially for lighting. Your videographer should be meeting with you for about 2 to 3 hours to go over all your video wants and to become familiar with family members. You may need to share pictures of important family members. If you can fit it in your budget, don't forget to hire a wedding videographer, and you will have a special keepsake of your wedding and you can always relive that special day with your honey.