The goal of my blog writing is to create a fabulous wedding experience for the bride, to make the wedding planning process a fun and enjoyable activity where the bride can learn a lot of things that surround weddings and what to look out for and save lots of money too. I will focus on weddings at all budget levels whether there is an unlimited budget amount for the wedding to a wedding that doesn't cost much money at all.
I will be writing a blog practically every day unless an important personal matter disrupts my schedule for a day or two. The first few months will be geared to a 100 step wedding planning checklist geared to an orderly progression of wedding planning activities. Afterward there will be all sorts of articles written about the wedding planning process. Some articles will be written about what questions to ask a specific wedding vendor depending on the category. There will be articles written on how a specific wedding traditions became about and the history of a wedding activity.
Some articles will be geared to cost saving ideas on a specific wedding category and what to look out for and what makes a good wedding vendor. Occasionally, I will point out websites to checkout and make some recommendations to help you in your planning. Each day after the blog, I will be sharing some wedding vendor contacts for a particular wedding category in a specific city and the surrounding area. I will include a highlight vendor, which of all the vendors researched for that category, the wedding vendor that most impressed me.
The city that I will focus on my first month of blogging ... drums please, is the city of Orlando. As time passes, about the beginning of each month I will point out if you go back to the archives what month focussed on what specific cities. If you need to find a wedding vendor, you can find one from this blog. In about a month if you need a specific wedding vendor in Orlando you can find it here. The following month will be a new city and the next month another city.
For a vendor to make the Vendor Contact List, they needed to have their own website. For the most part what you see on the Vendor Contact List, the business has a website that can be checked out. I have checked each and every website out that shows up on the list and is there for you to find a vendor to use. You can pull up the website to do preliminary investigations and there is a phone number ready to contact if you don't have ready access to a computer. If the website does not show, then either the website expired after I did the research or the vendor went out of business. The vendor contact list will show the name of the vendor, the location the vendor is in (sometimes a city's suburb), the vendor's phone number, and the vendor's website.
The very first rule I am going to mention in wedding planning is do your research. Unless you know a lot about a wedding vendor from experience or comes very highly recommended by family or friends, you should interview 3 or 4 wedding vendors for each wedding category, then decide which one to go with making an intelligent decision. You must be head strong when you meet with each vendor, don't let them coerce you into booking a contract until you can do some comparison shopping. You might find if you booked with one vendor then you might regret it if another vendor comes along could have cost you a lot less and a good personality fit too.
The interview process helps you find someone you are comfortable with, someone who you wouldn't mind having at your wedding, if an issue comes up you can discuss it, they keep you informed, and somebody who is conversant and leaves a good impression to your guests. Your wedding day should be the best day of your life, it's important to leave a good first impression with many of your spouse's family. You want it to be a special day that all of your and your beloved's family and friends will always remember and talk about.
Depending on your budget, if you are tech savvy, there are some new things on the market that you might want to investigate that can help in wedding planning. There are IPhones and IPads that you can pick up and by adding a wedding app on it, it allows you to do many wedding planning activities right on your phone, prepare a guest list, help in seating arrangements, load all your contact vendor information in it, keep information on discussions, etc. One wedding app that you might check out is http://www.iweddingdeluxe.com/ .
Having a wedding planner on your phone is a relatively new thing and for some bridal planners is cool. If the finances are tight don't feel you have to have it. Wedding planning off of an Excel spreadsheet and putting together a wedding organizer in a binder is fine too. Also, another tool worth mentioning that you may have seen advertised off of your television is a little folding organizer and you can find this product at http://www.buywonderfile.com/ . This organizer is perfect for wedding planning as it will allow you to keep all your correspondence together and you can take this with you as you meet with various wedding vendors. There is a lot of correspondence you have to do and this is the one time in your life it's a must to be organized.
I hope you enjoyed my first blog, I hope I can provide a valuable service and I hope I can be a valuable resource that can be used in wedding planning. If you like what you see, tell your friends that I am here and they can find good wedding vendors and find some good advise on wedding cost savings. My first Vendor Contact List is for Orlando Wedding Planners. If you are comfortable meeting with people, have time to devote to planning your wedding yourself, or have a limited budget, my blog can be of tremendous help. If you have a little money to work with, don't have much time for wedding planning, or are not comfortable meeting with people then a wedding planner or wedding coordinator may be right for you.
My first day of blogging is now complete. See you on the other side (That means tomorrow)!!!

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<% ' # THE FOLLOWING BLOCK IS USED TO RETRIEVE AND DISPLAY LINK INFORMATION. ' # PLACE THIS ENTIRE BLOCK IN THE AREA YOU WANT THE DATA TO BE DISPLAYED. ' # Dimensioning variables - DO NOT MODIFY! Dim UserKey Dim ThisPage Dim CategoryColumns Dim LinksPerPage Dim OpenInNewWindow Dim PostingString Dim PassedQuery Dim AllowSearch Dim ErrorString Dim ResultString ' # // Finished dimensioning variables. ' # MODIFY THE VARIABLES BELOW: ' # Enter your user key below (provided to you by Free-Link-Exchange.com): UserKey = "6134014162011-190JZD0PAAZZ38I" ' # The following variable defines how many columns are used to display categories CategoryColumns = 2 ' # The following variable defines how many links to display per page LinksPerPage = 25 ' # The following variable defines whether links are opened in a new window ' # (1 = Yes, 0 = No) OpenInNewWindow = 1 ' # The following variable determines whether the search function is enabled ' # for your links page (1 = Yes, 0 = No) AllowSearch = 1 ' # DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING IN THIS BLOCK!! ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' # The following variable is sent to the Free-Link-Exchange server in order to ' # generate working links on your page: ThisPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") ' # Generate the data to post to the Free-Link-Exchange.com server PostingString = "UserKey=" & UserKey PostingString = PostingString & "&ScriptName=" & ThisPage PostingString = PostingString & "&CatCols=" & CategoryColumns PostingString = PostingString & "&LinksPerPage=" & LinksPerPage PostingString = PostingString & "&OpenInNewWindow=" & OpenInNewWindow PostingString = PostingString & "&AllowSearch=" & AllowSearch ' # pass through any querystring data to Free-Link-Exchange to allow paging PassedQuery = Request.QueryString ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If GetLinkData(PassedQuery, PostingString, ResultString, ErrorString) Then Response.Write ResultString Else ' here we are just dumping error info to the page. You can clean this up to ' fit your site Response.Write ErrorString End If Function GetLinkData(strQuery, strPost, ByRef strResponse, ByRef strError) Dim hObj Dim ComponentString Set hObj = Nothing On Error Resume Next Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
End If
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
If TryMSXML(strQuery, strPost, strResponse, strError) Then
' the MSXML function will return the data
GetLinkData = True
' we don't need to supply error information, since the error string
' is passed ByRef, the MSXML function will supply the data
GetLinkData = False
End If
hObj.Open "POST", "http://www.Free-Link-Exchange.com/smbin/dumplinks.asp?" & strQuery, False
hObj.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
hObj.Send strPost
If hObj.Status <> 200 Then
strError = "Error: Status=" & hObj.Status & " Text=" & hObj.ResponseText
GetLinkData = False
strResponse = ComponentString & hObj.responseText
GetLinkData = True
End If
End If
End Function
Function TryMSXML(strQuery, strPost, ByRef strResponse, ByRef strError)
Dim hObj
Set hObj = Nothing
' let's see if the server supports the XMLHTTP component, various versions
On Error Resume Next
Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
End If
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
Set hObj = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
ComponentString = "" & vbCrLf
End If
On Error Resume Next
If hObj Is Nothing Then
strError = "No support for HTTP requests found."
TryMSXML = False
' # Open connection to Free-Link-Exchange.com server, sending the UserKey information via POST
' # Also, pass through the querystring information (contains category, link information)
hObj.open "POST", "http://www.Free-Link-Exchange.com/smbin/dumplinks.asp?" & strQuery, false
hObj.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
hObj.Send strPost
If hObj.status <> 200 Then
' # error!
strError = "Error: Status=" & hObj.status & " Text='" & hObj.responseText & "'"
TryMSXML = False
' # We should have received the links information from the server,
' # the following line will return the data by reference:
strResponse = ComponentString & hObj.responseText
TryMSXML = True
End If
Set hObj = Nothing
End If
End Function
' # //FINSIHED Free-Link-Exchange.COM SCRIPT BLOCK
wow. congratulations on your first day. you really did a great job. I love reading your blog. I'll be back for more.Couples Counseling