Brides and sometimes grooms want to look their best for their wedding day. More people join health clubs right before the wedding than any other time of their lives. You want to wow your guests when they see you in the wedding dress, you are one on one with everyone in the receiving line, you want to look good for your honey on your honeymoon and you want the wedding photography and wedding videography to show you as a beautiful bride. There are so many reasons to get into shape.
You want to focus on eating a well balanced diet and get the balanced nutrition that you were taught in school. The food nutritional pyramid says to eat fats, oils, and sweets sparingly; milk, yogurt, and cheese 2-3 servings a day; meat poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts 2-3 servings a day; vegetables 3-5 servings a day; fruits 2-4 servings a day; bread, cereal, rice and pasta 6-11 servings a day. Also drink plenty of fluids, especially water to cleanse your body of toxins.
If you want to lose weight for your wedding you may consider a bridal diet. You are allowed to start the day with one cup of coffee or tea in the morning. The rest of the day drink plenty of water. For breakfast you are allowed a piece of breakfast fruit which includes an apple, banana, grapefruit or an orange. The rest of the diet consists of a portion of meat or fish and you are allowed milk, yogurt, salads, leafy vegetables, oatmeal, nuts, cheese, and eggs.
The bride diet should be combined with some exercise, an hour walk in the park, in the neighborhood, or a walk in the mall. It could also be a 20 minute jog, dance class, or can be a conditioning sport exercise like playing tennis, volleyball, softball, basketball, bowling, badmitton, bicycling, Wii fit exercise, swimming, horseback riding, or any activity that burns calories.
If you apply the bride diet combined with exercise, the program states you can knock off anywhere from 8 to 13 pounds a month and is not strenuous on your person like many other diets are. If you plan on a serious diet let the bridal specialist and bridal seamstress know so they can account for changes that may occur in your wedding dress. It is highly recommended, if you do decide to diet, don't go on a fast diet, they tend to leave you with skin flabs, the body weary, and you may more be looking gaunt than great and you won't look your best for your wedding day.
To look your best, you may consider joining a health club or spa and work out with a personalized trainer, with friends, or just push yourself through an exercise program the club offers. Experts suggest you start out with stretching your limbs, shoulder, and wrist, followed by a daily jog or power walk then do some light lifting of weights focused on a body part or do a stomach crunch. One day focus more on upper body and another day on lower body. Ladies don't go overboard with your exercising, you want to look more feminine than masculine.
In recent years, a brand new phenomena has come out for brides and it's called "Bridal Boot Camp". Bridal Boot Camps use an upbeat environment and is usually run by a drill instructor, but this drill instructor has learned to make the workout session into a fun time. The goal is to take a bunch of brides and get them into tip top shape and get their bodies sculpted for their wedding day.
Classes for Bridal Boot Camp usually last about an hour and a half long and can range anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months. Classes are usually held outdoors, weather permitting, and you meet up with 8-15 other soon to be brides that you work out along with. The workouts are focused into getting into shape using gaming and sports condition drills including push-ups, sit-ups, hill sprints, obstacle course, balance training, core work, sports training skills, and sculpting exercises. Often at these classes, you make friends with other ladies who are also planning for their wedding and you can share insights and develop contacts in your wedding planning process.
To look your best you may consider seeking out a specialist. You might have some skin blemishes, it may be skin cancer, acne, eczema, psoriasis, or hair growth in unwanted places. This calls for a dermatologist who treats diseases and cosmetic problems of skin, scalp, hair, or nails. He treats conditions with medical, surgical, cosmetic, and laser means. Before your wedding, it is a good time to visit a dentist and get teeth fixed or cavities filled. It is a good time to get your teeth whitened, either by your dentist or from teeth whitening shops that are popping up in malls, outlet malls, and flea markets. Maybe even join a tanning salon, natural tanning is best but if you don't have the time get a little help from a salon and use tanning lotion. Don't get in the habit of tanning too much in your younger years, or you might suffer consequences later when you develop wrinkly skin when you hit your middle age years.
Hopefully you only drink socially (1 or 2 drinks a week), you don't do drugs, or you don't smoke. All these things are harmful to the body, the body reeks a foul smell when you are with your partner and harms the thought process. When you kiss someone you smell the liquor, the smoke breath, and drug smell. If you do any of these things, this time is good as any to stop, for a thriving successful long happy marriage.
If you are in great shape, great, if not, start getting into healthy habits and eat the right foods and join an exercise program and get in great shape for your big wedding day! See you on the other side!
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