Make your wedding a blast by renting a photo booth. You will have your guests laughing all night long, plus you will have some zany memories of your family and friends. The photo booths that you see at fairs, carnivals, and malls have started showing up at weddings in recent years and have become a big hit. Consider a photo booth if it fits into your wedding budget, be sure to do a little research and rent a good quality one.
The best photo booths tend to be ones with aluminum framing and are easy to cart around and have a privacy screen. Many photo booths generally rent between $700 - $2000 and a good one can be had for about $1200. You can either rent a photo booth from a photo booth company or from select wedding photographers. If the wedding photographer has photo booths they generally will advertise it somewhere in their website.
You definitely want to check out the equipment before booking the equipment to be sure you have a high quality photo booth. You need to be sure that your wedding reception, hotel, or venue has a strategic spot for the photo booth and the location okays the usage. For outdoor weddings, you can set up the photo booth up in a wedding tent or if the wedding is at an estate house the photo booth could be set up in an office, wide hall area, or in a garage.
Usually when you rent a photo booth, many photo booth companies give you 4 hours duration of taking photos with it. At wedding receptions, the photo booth may be in operation for two hours, then be idle during the formal part of the reception and then be back in operation for the final two hours. The recommended option is to have the photo booth operating for the cocktail hour, and then open it back up after the formal part of the reception after when your wedding guests have had a few drinks and let go of their inhibitions and you end up with some great zany photos. Some photo booth companies charge a lesser fee during idle time so you want to be fully understanding of the fee arrangements before you sign on the dotted line.
You want the photo booth to be in a visible location but not in the way of activities. The bride and groom should take a stint of getting photos that will act as an encouragement to others. A disc jockey, musicians, or the wedding emcee could sporadically promote the photo booth, encouraging wedding guests to get some snap shots. A good suggestion, is see if your wedding photographer can oversee the operation of the photo booth to prevent a few individuals from hogging the machine, making sure everyone enjoys some action.
Many of the photo booths have templates designed for the wedding couple, the photos might also include a photo of the wedding couple or include their names and the date of the wedding. Most photo booths are set up to take duplicate photos, one for the guest to take home as a favor and another for the wedding couple. The wedding couple may review all the photos and include photos they like and they can add the photos in back of their wedding photo album.
A great idea is to have a prop table outside next to the photo booth. The prop table is geared to encourage zany pictures. Some prop suggestions include bridal veils, tiaras, bridal bouquet, pearls, funny hats and glasses, a wizard's hat, cowboy hats, Indian headdress, flashy bow tie, scarves, headbands, fireman's hat, police officer's hat, construction helmet, Arab turban, gold medallions, Hawaiian leis, and a crown of flowers. Some more prop ideas include halos, angel wings, big lolly pop, large antique picture frame, Mardi gras mask and beads, fake mustache, top hat, lady's wig, chalkboard for a statement, viking helmet, clown hat and nose, Trojan helmet, large stuffed animal, chef's hat, apron, and whisk, mickey mouse ears, and whatever else you can think of. All should be encourage to get a photo, the young, middle aged, and the old.
Be sure young children aren't exposed to hanky panky. Some photo booth companies are set up so that photos could be downloaded to a couple's website and can arrange for additional photos if they are wanted. Photo booths, help make the wedding a memorial occasion, if you can afford it, go for it. See you on the other side!
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