If you and your betrothed have grown up belonging to a house of worship and you know the officiant well, then who you decide on with whom to marry you is a non-decision. You personally know and are comfortable talking about all things related to marriage with this individual and all things that need to be covered in a wedding ceremony. If you don't have an officiant in mind, then you need to find an officiant that can marry you.
The first question that you need to discuss with your partner is what type of religious upbringing do you both want in the family. Are you both of the same religion and do you see your children growing up in the same faith or are you of different religions. Do you want your children to grow up in a specific faith or do you want them exposed to both religions. Maybe one of you is religious and the other is not. Maybe you are both non-religious. You need to determine the religious affiliation, if there is one, before deciding on the type of officiant you want to perform your wedding.
You also need to discuss the type of ceremony you are going to have, are you going to get married in a church, synagogue, wedding chapel or at a ceremony site? Once you decide on the religious affiliation, you then want to determine which type of officiant you want for the wedding? will it be a religious officiant? will it be a secular ceremony? will it be an interfaith ceremony? or will it be a justice of the peace or notary? You will begin your search once you have answered the question, what type of officiant you want for the wedding?
If the decision is a religious ceremony and you and your partner share a common religious background, you need to seek out finding a house of worship of your religious faith, approach the church and seek out an officiant to interview and if you become satisfied with him/her and they agree to marry you. You should seek out the right wedding officiant and it is wise to check out a number of wedding officiants before deciding on one, just like every other wedding vendor category.
As you interview the officiant, you want to ask a number of questions, the first is the officiant going to be available on your targeted wedding day? If you have not committed to a specific day yet and should the officiant say no, then you must decide are you open to another day and what days would be available? You want to be sure the officiant is the right one for you and your spouse. As you meet with the officiant you want to ask yourself a bunch of questions as the interview proceeds along?
Does the officiant exude a calming presence? Does his/her oratory energy fit for what you are seeking for the ceremony? Is he/she passionate about performing for weddings? Is he/she into your story? Is he/she easy to understand and inspirational in their sermon? Do you find yourself smiling or nodding in agreement in your conversations with him/her? Is he/she willing to craft a ceremony without restrictions? After your interview, you want to be sure that you make a decision after consulting with your partner. Maybe you like the officiant buy maybe your partner does not, don't make a decision on whom to marry you until the both of you have a chance for a discussion and you both agree he/she is the one to marry you.
There are a few other matters you need to bring up with the officiant, what would be the backup plan if an emergency should arise, should the officiant become ill or has to leave town on an emergency matter? Is the officiant knowledgeable in the state's marriage laws? Also, become wary if the officiant becomes insistent on you upgrading to a higher level of wedding service. There are more than enough officiants to choose from, you want an officiant that is focused on you as a couple, and not a sales person. Lastly, you want a glimpse of the officiant in action. Either, try to get your hands on a video of a service, or drop by to see a wedding service yourself or at least the officiant giving a sermon and/or find a couple of other couples that were married by him/her and how did they like the officiant?
You want to ask the same questions for any other type of officiant, whether they be officiants of two different faiths to perform your wedding, a non-affiliated officiant, a justice of the peace, a yacht chaplain, or a notary.
There are many different places you can find officiants, either approach the church to find one, seek one out at a non-denominational church, go find one by asking your town hall, or search one out off the internet by searching Google, the yellow pages either the internet or phone book at home or searching wedding related websites or you might find some somewhere in this blog. Having the right officiant for your wedding, is as important as any other wedding vendor, you want your guests to be inspired by the sermon and the officiant looks and dresses well to display a beautiful wedding.
If you can afford it, invite the officiant to your wedding reception, he/she may be a good conversationalist and give guidance to some of your guests. You never know, you may need his/her inspiration again in the future and he/she will be appreciated in partaking in a special event. If the affair has religious connotations, the
officiant can lead in grace before the ceremony!
That's the story on interview and book your officiant, see you on the other side!

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